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Italy: Guidance Standards for Hospitality Reopening

These technical information sheets contain operational guidelines applying to individual business sectors designed to supply a clear summary of the general prevention and containment measures required to support a return to business compatible with client and employee health safeguards. 

Specifically, each sheet comprises the various scientific prevention and containment recommendations designed to stop the virus spreading including: behavioural norms, social distancing and contact tracing. 

The recommendations contained in these information sheets accord with national guidelines, especially the protocol agreed by management and labour and approved by presidential decree of 26th April 2020 as well as the overall criteria set out in the technical documents drawn up by INAIL and Istituto Superiore di Sanità with the main objective of reducing contagion risk for individuals and the community in all business sectors. 

In this context, the business health risk prevention system, established over time in accordance with the framework set out in legislative decree no. 81 of 9th April 2008 is the natural backdrop to integrated risk management linked to the current pandemic. In any event, only self-aware and active co-operation by individual users and staff acting responsibly will be successful, not only in the specific business context but also for the community as a whole. 

Lastly, the official guidelines set out in this document, supplemented where appropriate by higher level solutions, should be adapted to each individual business, identifying the most effective measures for each individual context and the operational procedures and instructions best suited to putting these measures into practice. These procedures/instructions may coincide with procedures/measures previously adopted as long as these are opportunely supplemented just as they may constitute an addition linked to the risk assessment in emergency situations document drawn up pursuant to legislative decree no. 81 of 9th April 2008. 

It is understood that the measures set out here may be adjusted if epidemic management developments require it, including in a more restrictive direction. 

The information sheets made public here will be supplemented where necessary with sheets relating to additional spheres of activity. 

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