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MED2020 – Youth Forum Contest

MED Mediterranean Dialogues 2020 has launched the second edition of the “Youth Forum Contest – Ideas and Project at Work”, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ISPI.

This year, the Youth Forum Contest will promote young Mediterranean leaders, under the age of 35, whose projects focus on finding innovative and creative responses to the current pandemic crisis in the MENA region and on supporting post-pandemic recovery in the areas of Culture and Education, Civil society, Health, Food and Water Security, Employment and Business, and Urban Innovation.

The best 20 projects will be presented by the finalists during the “Youth MED Forum” , which this year will be held virtually on the occasion of the Rome-MED Dialogues 2020 Conference (25th November- 4th December).

The winners for each category will receive a prize of € 2,500. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to present the follow-up of their projects in a dedicated panel to be held during the 2021 edition of the Rome MED-Dialogues.

The MED 2020 Youth Forum Contest office will accept applications until October the 11th (23:59 CEST).

To know more about eligibility criteria and submit your application, please visit:

Applications will only be accepted by filling the online form in the webpage listed above. Each application should include the following information:

  1. a short letter of motivation (explaining why they wish to participate in the MED2020 Youth Forum Contest, no longer than 200 words, in pdf format);
  2. a complete description of their project (using the attached PowerPoint format);
  3. an updated CV (in pdf format).

grafica youth contest med 2020